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Obituary - Angela Peberdy

Posted: 17 Feb 2024, 17:15
by GuyBarry
Angela Peberdy has died aged 86. The name will probably mean nothing to you, and indeed it meant nothing to me until yesterday when I heard her obituary on Radio 4's Last Word. Her voice, however, was instantly familiar - as it will be to anyone else who grew up travelling on suburban trains in London and south-east England - as she voiced all the recorded station announcements! (I think she may also have voiced some of the "Mind the Gap" announcements on the Underground as well.) An interview with her was broadcast on the BBC1 regional programme London Plus in 1986 after an incident at Epsom station where locals complained about her voice coming over the loudspeaker:

If you want to hear the full Radio 4 obit it starts 20 minutes into the recording here: