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Posted: 04 Jun 2006, 19:29
by Root
Heh, indeed - "I was just standing by the door watching for the signal to turn green when the doors started to shut. I couldn't get my foot out of the way in time so the doors got stuck and had to re-open... about four times."

Posted: 04 Jun 2006, 19:56
by Going Underground
Gentlemen, gentlemen I am indeed shocked to hear of such behaviour and I thought you were all trustworthy souls and decent folk :wink:

Posted: 04 Jun 2006, 22:05
by moley
The first train should NOT be delayed - that indeed would be a very unfair advantage.

I've held a piccadilly train at Cockfosters before for over two minutes but that is at the risk of missing say a connection further down the line and suffering an even greater delay.

The stopwatch should start when the doors begin to close and stop when the doors are fully open. That way if you decide to delay the first train - the delay is incurred within your time.

Posted: 04 Jun 2006, 22:14
by Root
Two minutes is a heck of a time to hold a train - I imagine a member of staff must have been on your case within that time, not to mention the frustrated looks you must have received from other passengers.

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 10:30
by geofftech
Door holding? tsk! disgraceful behaviour ... ;-)

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 10:31
by tubeguru
Yeah, tube challengers these days ...

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 11:16
by dr_chris
Door holding is surprisingly difficult when you're holding a train at Hammersmith with a rather beefy-looking chappy in the carriage who is giving you evils and looks like he might just get up and move you out of the way with his fist if you carry on...

Especially if your team-mates decide to use the toilet and arrive via the WRONG F**KING STAIRS!!! without even bothering to tell you...

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 11:19
by tubeguru
You're secretly jealous that they get the credit for breaking the record (subject to confirmation), and you get no thanks for running after them all day with food, aren't you?

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 11:31
by dr_chris
I just get insults and whinging from them - and I want my walkie-talkies/stopwatch back!

Although I should point out that they may have broken the world record but chicks dig doctors...

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 11:36
by tubeguru
It's not easy being a pointman.

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 11:40
by Sam
Just for the record, Chris was with us for about 3 hours during the course of our attempt, though he was not present for any of our good connections! Although he did provide us with some musical entertainment with his entirely random belting out of the Grandstand theme tune...Anthony, you definitely do not have a rival in Chris ;)

Oh, and Chris....if you actually were to ask us for your walkie-talkies and your stopwatch, then we would be able to arrange to give them back!

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 13:33
by dr_chris
You suck monkey poo.

I am still your God.


May I please have the return of my walkie-talkies et stopwatch, please?

I would dispute that Anthony has a better singing voice than me, my voice was still a little hoarse from the weekend...

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 13:36
by tubeguru
Of course, no one has yet to hear a collaboration between The Underground Masker and Tubeguru ...

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 17:16
by dr_chris
Let's just pray that such a travesty never occurs...

Posted: 05 Jun 2006, 19:15
by tubeguru
Cheeky bugger ... I'll have you know I can sing better than the UM, because I actually CAN sing :-)