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Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 00:49
by A2
Congratulations to the Brown clan and independents. Hope you manage to get it confirmed by Guinness.

Still going to beat you next year at the Z1C.

Posted: 02 Aug 2007, 11:15
by Dr Who
Will See :)

Well done!

Posted: 06 Aug 2007, 20:44
by jbom1
Congratulations to everyone involved in this attempt. Quite a feat of planning, logistics and endurance!

Re: Well done!

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 00:02
by Going Underground
jbom1 wrote:Congratulations to everyone involved in this attempt. Quite a feat of planning, logistics and endurance!
Thanks for the kind comments, planning, logistics and endurance have been absolutely key and if you add fitness the whole team have worked incredibly hard to achieve this over the past 9 months or so..
At last on GWR V we had some of the main ingredient :arrow: LUCK the most important element of any GWR atttempt.... Having said that the balance of luck was still only probably 30-70% against, which trust me is by far the best we have experienced in the 5 attempts thus far....

The whole team feel that with luck 70-30% in our favour then a sub 18 hour time is a distinct probability in the very near future... :D

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 00:28
by Sam
So when can we find out if you did Shoreditch? :roll:

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 08:15
by hwolge
Soup Dragon wrote:The route was very different from previous attempts, however due to being 20 mins behind schedule in the morning we had to alter our initial Shoreditch plans.
I think that says it all, Sam...

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 08:17
by Going Underground
Why the obsession with Shoreditch folks, there are another 274 stations on the network :wink:

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 13:46
by jamesthegill
Going Underground wrote:Why the obsession with Shoreditch folks, there are another 274 stations on the network :wink:
There are? Shoot.

I've got a 274 route planned, need to check times on the TfL site. Had one that finished at Pimlico!

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 14:00
by tubeguru
Word on the street (OK, it's from me) is that Geoff still reckons our world record record route is worth 18 hours dead on a good day, and I believe it too.

So you never know - we could come out of retirement and show you kids how it's done one of these days.

Or we could continue not beng arsed. It's hard to decide really ... ;)

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 15:01
by Starkey7
I never thought that I'd say this Neil, but ... I know how you mean.

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 17:52
by Soup Dragon
I think that it's about time the "Guru" came out of semi retirement. Why don't you give it a try on Children in Need day, I'll sponsor you £10 and double that to £20 if you can break 18 hours. :)

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 18:03
by tubeguru
I will only come out of retirement to beat you all and regain the record.

I've done my bit for charity with Tube Relief after all ...

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 18:40
by Going Underground
tubeguru wrote:I will only come out of retirement to beat you all and regain the record.

I've done my bit for charity with Tube Relief after all ...
Nothing to stop you going round for charity and trying for GWR at same time..... We did last year and fully intend to do so again..... :D
No point in going round and not logging all the times, getting witness statements, trains no's. etc... You never know might just get that perfect running day and would be annoying.......

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 19:54
by jamesthegill
Would it be possible for one to attempt a 27x challenge all on one's lonesome?

Apologies for threadjacking :oops:

Posted: 07 Aug 2007, 20:49
by tubeguru
Ask Geoff ...

He did one on his own and probably wishes he hadn't now.